Frequently Asked Questions
What do you do during your CCA sessions? (This is, hands-down, the question we’ve been asked most frequently. We’re glad that people are interested in what we’re doing during CCA!)
During our weekly general meetings, Green Councillors share about the projects that they have been working on. Green Councillors provide feedback and suggestions for each others’ projects. Each Green Councillor is allocated several projects, which they can work on in sub-committees or in our own time. As each Green Councillor is involved in a few projects and may not be as familiar with the projects of other Green Councillors, the session enables us to know what everyone in the CCA is doing, so that we are all aware of our progress as a CCA! Usually our timings are very flexible in order to be able to accommodate everyone.
However, that’s just one part of what Green Councillors do! We have more CCA sessions before the Clean and Green Week (normally held between March-April) as well as the Secondary School Green Conference to try out our proposals and work as a team on our initiatives.
Undoubtedly, being a Green Councillor is not easy. Asides from being actively involved in formulating proposals to create a more sustainable school environment, Green Councillors are also responsible for assisting Greenterest members in their projects and are in charge of managing the Green Reps. However, being a Green Councillor is a vibrant, exciting and most importantly, rewarding experience.
As you can see, our sessions are very flexible and allow us to accommodate the schedule of each Green Councillor!
How often do you hold CCA sessions?
We have general meetings once a week. The meeting day varies every year as we are flexible and accommodate every batch’s schedules!
In the lead-up to our two major events, the Clean and Green Week and Secondary School Green Conference, we tend to have more CCA sessions as preparations intensify.
During the school holidays, we also have CCA sessions to carry out our year-end projects such as the collection and resale of second-hand books and uniforms.
Is Green Council fun?
Of course! Although proposal writing and editing may sometimes be tedious, all Green Councilors have the choice to take up projects that they have a deep interest in, which they are eager to see the success of. We’re sure everyone has issues that they are deeply concerned about and want to see positive changes made, and for us these issues are the various environmental issues like resource depletion, food waste, loss in biodiversity…being in Green Council gives us the opportunity to work towards advancing the positive changes we want to see in the environment and that’s definitely fun and interesting!
What characteristics should Green Councillors have?
We look out for three qualities, passion, commitment, and responsibility.