About Us
“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every tree is far more glorious than gold or silver.” – Martin Luther.
The Hwa Chong Green Council is a young, tightly-knitted and forward-looking community dedicated to transforming Hwa Chong into a more environmentally conscious place. We aim to spread our message to students on a personal level, and to advise the school administration with regards to school-wide policies.
At the school administration level — To reduce energy consumption, we have proposed the air-conditioner policy and installation of motion sensors in less-used toilets among others. We have also catalysed a convenient recycling culture by bringing in commingled recycling bins and an E-Waste bin in our school. We have also spearheaded the Clean Movement Campaign along with representatives from Council and Faculty Committee, pushing through initiatives such as spring cleaning sessions.
At the student level — We execute a variety of initiatives for students. Most notably, we have the annual Clean and Green Week, where the spirit of the Green Movement is truly manifested in Hwa Chong for a week. This year, we will also be opening up the thrift shop selling items at cheap prices as well as introducing our Cutlery Bank. Through it, we hope to promote reusing of consumer goods while raising money for Needy Pupil Fund. Green Council has spearheaded the installment of a Butterfly Garden to introduce greater biodiversity into our school.
At the societal level — We organise an annual green conference for secondary school students, helping the younger ones of our country to become more environmentally conscious. In terms of community involvement, we are part of the Bukit Timah Wildlife Network, which aims to encourage non-littering and appreciation of nature.
Our Members (2020-2021)
- President
- Waste Management IC
- Vice President
- Greenterest IC
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Butterfly Garden IC
- Thrift Shop IC
- Publicity IC
- Website IC
- Publicity IC
- Green Reps IC